life is now taking me to Israel
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Life is different now...
I honestly don’t really know what to write this time. This week has somehow been the longest in my life ever. Adapting to kenyan culture again has been hard. I’ve never felt so white in my whole life. Every day I feel excluded in some way, and during the same day I’m smiling thinking that this is an experience I won’t forget. But, hey one thing I know, it takes time to grow roots, it takes time getting to know people, and man you feel vulnerable. Stripped from everything you are, no family, friends, things… I’m just me, I cant prove anything, they dont know who I am at home, who I am with my friends. It’s not just a vacation, this is everyday life. Guess this is what it feels like to move to a different country. Hey, you’ve gotta invest, it won’t feel like home by just klapping your hands.
Coming back has been hard, cause I wasn’t prepared for it to be hard. And the adventurer in me isn’t just satisfied with doing everything we did last time. I constantly feel this urge to challenge myself, and I just have to experience new things, meet new people. And some days are just flat out boring and normal.
So, guess that’s the situation report from Kenya. Being an international social worker isn’t all that glorious. Sometimes it’s sitting listening to coldplay on a mac with three other white chics. That’s monday evening. Tuesday might be another story though. You never know. It might be a wild hunt in the kitchen for Nelson, the mouse that is living under my couch, it might be practicing swahili with the shop keeper, might be walking around the compound getting a hug from a random guy called Ben that thinks you look smart. And when it’s time to og to bed I crawl under my mosquito nett listening to a disturbing mix of prayers called out from the mosque and the excited churchgoers that have an allnight prayer session.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nå sitter jeg å prøver å jobbe mens,
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
There Is So Much More
: Brett Dennen
When I heard the news, my heart fell on the floor
I was on a plane, on my way to Baltimore
In these troubled times it’s hard enough as is
My soul has known a better life than this
I wondered how so many could be in so much pain
While others don’t seem to feel a thing
And then I curse my whiteness and I get so damn depressed
In a world of suffering why should I be so blessed
I heard about a woman who lives in Colorado
She built a monument of sorrow behind her garage door
Where every day she prays for all whom are born
And all who souls are passed on
Sometimes my trouble gets so thick
I can’t see how I’m gonna get through it
But then I would rather be stuck up in a tree
Then be tied to it
I don’t feel comfortable with the way that my clothes fit
I can’t get used to my body’s limits
I got some fancy shoes to try and kick away these blues
They cost a lot of money, but they aren’t worth a thing
I want to free my feet from the broken glass and concrete
I need to get out of this city
Lay upon the ground stare a whole in the sky
Wondering where I go when I die
When I die
Friday, July 1, 2011
Second thoughts...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
What sticks on a sticky fly paper?
My time in Kenya is running out. For weeks now I’ve not aloud myself to think about it, afraid that I wont be able to enjoy the last weeks... but, truth is, only a few days left at work. Hard to leave something that you feel you’ve just started, or leave stuff you dont know if anybody else will finish. Leave projects I believe in and long to continue doing. Leave the life I’ve been living here.
How are we humans suppose to handle being able to fly half way across the world, live in a totally different country, and culture, and then suddenly fly back and keep on going. Ain’t gonna happen... we change. Experiences affect us. We mold.. leave something here, something else there. Gather something over there, pick up something else right here. Its like these new images, new feelings, new faces are stuck on me. I feel like a sticky paper that is suppose to kill flies, everything is just sticking lately. Maybe cause I know its gonna end. Like I wanna hold on to it, cause I dont know if I’ll ever experience it again.
But, its like this with all things in life. The days and hours pass... and some sticks, some doesn’t, and we forget.. we can’t possibly remember everything.
But, right now, I want to remember it all. Be able to feel everything I’ve been feeling here. All at once.
But, I wont, I have to be satisfied with experiencing in the moment. No matter how much I remember, how many pictures I take, how many wooden elephants I bring home, I have to let it go and move on. Some faces I will remember, some conversations, some incidents. I wish I could carry them all. Luckily our braincapacity is somewhat big enough to remember, to choose what we want to bring with us in the days to come. Luckily, we are not rocks, but formable, changeable, and I know that what I’ve experienced here has changed me, and somehow then, I don’t need to struggle to remember, or force to fit it in my suitcase back home. The changes are here to stay and will always remind me of what I’ve seen, what I’ve felt, what I’ve been able to be a part of, music I’ve heard, dancemoves I’ve seen, foods I’ve tasted, work I’ve done, and Places and People I’ve come to Love...